HR Templates
HR Manual with Employee Handbook and Forms
These templates provide the framework and tools you need develop a Human Resource System for your organization. The handbooks and manuals are easy to read and ready to print or customize if necessary. They are thorough and not lengthy. “Legally” they promote an employment at will relationship. Even though this employee handbook is proven, you should have your final version reviewed by your attorney to ensure it complies with your specific requirements. The forms module includes everything from job descriptions to independent contractor agreements. The HR module includes HR and Employee policies, Payroll Procedures, HR Forms, and more.
The HR Template Library includes over 250 Human Resource Templates that you can customize to your business.
Federal Employment Laws
State and US Territory Employment Laws
Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Employee Manual
Supervisor Handbook
Payroll Manual
HR Internal Controls
Payroll Internal Controls
HR Forms
Acomplete product description and template list is located here
Over 250 HR Policies, Procedures, and Tools
Good with our Safety and Education Platform
Download the Templates and get Started Today!